Much Needed List of Some Kicks in the Butt

After crossing the finish line of the Dam to Dam Half Marathon this past May, I was eager to sign up for my next 13.1 race! I enjoyed a solid recovery weekend, and then come Monday, I got my rear in gear with a new training plan for the IMT Des Moines Half Marathon. The scorching summer heat, and hectic schedule associated with moving, working and wedding planning has taken its toll. Fortunately, when push came to shove, I remained relatively consistent in following my training plan.

I rely heavily on motivational quotes and articles written by runners for runners (thanks Pinterest and Runner’s World!) to lift me out of treacherous training ruts! Below are a few links that inspire me to get off the couch and into my Asics.

  1. 101 Kicks in the Butt by Runner’s World
  2. Hate running? 25 ways to learn to love it by CNN
  3. Motivational videos to get you running by The Motivated Runner

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